Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Globalization is when cultures, societies,cultures combine in communication and trade.
- Trade has been bigger which equals industrial growth and goverment wealth growth.
- The movement of goods to other countries.
- Health policies have been improved due to outside help.
-Increase of informational flow, other parts of the world were notified of need to know things from other nations.
- Worldwide globalization improved the global market and improved transportation and and speed of the manufacturing.
- Religions were spread throughout the world.
-Globilization has divided nations and caused many problems.
- caused international opposition.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hades is the answer to Wars Everywhere.......

Attempt 1:
Hi, my name is Justin and I have a plan which will be the future of the gaming industry. If I were to tell you that I could turn a xbox 360 into something smaller, portable and much better, would you be interested? I know I would, and this new product would be call the Ultimate Portable Gamer(U.P.G) for short. If you Mr. Buffet were to buy this product you would become a big partner in this big company and would have a big say in whatever is done in this company. If you Mr. Buffet were to fund us, not only would you get your money back but you would become a big voice in the future of gaming. We would sell this product in the states, but that would be the start of it all. Once the product has been succesful in the states we then move the product to different places in the world. We go to the places where they will buy the product the most mainly where the rich live. Eventually when we have made enough money off of this prdocut we can go ahead and think of something even better although I hardly think it is possible.
Attempt 2:
Hi, my name is Justin and this is my partner Nemo. We have come up with a new way in which we can make everyone fear us and we can become the power house of the world. I have invented a new weapon which will strike the fear into our enemies. This weapon is called Hades. It is an assortment of a 8 missles which spread apart at a wide range and will kill an entire army with a single bomb. With this at our disposal we can eliminate targets so fast that there would be no need to send our men into battle. This Mr Buffet is the future of war as we know it. Imagine not having to send out all these men, not having to tell mother and wives that there beloved have died by a gernade or by a halo of gun fire. This would be great, so if you help us fund this project you will be saving many lives for our country. I also think that there would be less wars because if they knew about this weapon they would never be dumb enough to send men out so blindly ready to die within a couple of minutes. Mr. Buffet this is the future, so are you going to help us or not? We would only sell this weapon the states ofcourse in return for a large sum of money and all the protection they can give.
Question 1: Now that you are a Millionare how will you make a difference eigther for the planet and or for some of its inhabitents?
Answer. With this weapon the Hades there will be countless nubmer of men/women not dying. I would use my fortune to help others and to make life much easier for people suffering.